We hope you had fun reading our First Edition! and hopefully you'll also do in this one...
So, okay.. we are done with the Top Ten ways for your crush to notice you... let's say, he did notice you! --for real!
How will you know that he likes you??? Not like-you-like-you... yet... but maybe he's just starting to like you... and, oh my, if he did... that would be sooo... ahh.... dream come true to you... and us!! i mean, who wouldn't be happy if someone, especially your crush, likes you back?! Jeez!
You must feel all so tingly inside! haha The "Guppy Effect"!
Okay so here we are again.... our top ten list... why don't we have a countdown this time? Shall we?
10. Replies to your text messages...
Well, only if you text each other, that is! haha... he really replies even though it's a group message or even like "Good Morning"... either he would reply the same as your text or with a smiley (",)
9. Doesn't mind chatting for a long time...
Either you or he starts to have a conversation with you in messenger... you two just kept on chatting, that you've lost track of time and you've realized that your chat was so long already.... like if you copy and paste it, it's like 5 pages long or more!
And of course, you, yourself.. don't mind! You're actually happy about it!
8. He plays with his hair...
Oh yeah, guys play with their hair! When you are around he starts playing with his hair, probably he wants to look cute to you.... Sometimes boys can be more conscious with what they look like compare to girls.
Believe us!
7. He starts saying jokes *grins*
He'll tell jokes just to make you laugh.
Coz you see, guys like seeing the one they like... laughing!
6. Mimics you!
When you lean on the wall, he'll lean on the wall... when you raised your eye brows, he'll also raised his!
When you say...
"Cut it out!"
"Cut it out!" he'll say it again, this time... smiling.
He'll continue doing this until you are annoyed.
5. Treats you!
When you are going to buy something like, say, on the cafeteria for food... he'll pay for you! Though you kept telling him that you have the money to pay for it...
I mean that would be so cool! You have your own banker! Kidding! Don't abuse his kindness... he might stop liking you.... and that'll be... so sad...
4. Tries to look away when you glace at him...
'cause he's blushing!!! Oh my! We wanna see a boy blushing--for once!
Okay, now where were we?
He'll look away coz you see, boys don't like girls seeing them blush.. coz they say that would be so embarrassing! If ever you noticed he'll be like whispering to himself....
"Oh! The horror! She knows! She knows! Must run awwaaaayyyyyy!"
3. Never say "NO"
When you ask him a favor, he would gladly do it for you! No matter what it takes--he'll do it! Sigh.... Even though you ask him something that he thinks he can't do... he would never say "No"... he'll try to say "yes" and "yes" all the time...
2. Straightens his clothes when you pass by or when you're around him...
'cause he wants you to notice him! I mean, there's no need! You already have a crush on him! Haha.....
and the most obvious sign he likes you is that.....
1. You caught him looking at you!
You might feel embarrassed that he caught you looking at him... but always remember... HE LOOKED AT YOU TOO!
*looks at him*
*caught you looking at him*
*quickly looked away*
Then you glanced at him again and you saw him...
...Smiling back at you! :D Ahhh......
We hope you have enjoyed reading our blog! :D
Comments are as always.. always welcome!

"He looked at me!"